Aisaresugite ×× Sarechau CD Aishi Kimi ni, Koibumi wo Aka no Hanayome Animal Darling Brother Lover Cafe Romana e Youkoso Circle♥Catalog Daisuki na Kare to H Shite Udemakura de Pillow Talk Sarechau Dakarete Kara Hajimaru Koi Damenzu-sensei Danna Igai Danna-sama Dark Night Princess Darling Date Biyori Enemy Coupling Enter the Mirror Futari no. Aisaresugite xx Sarechau - First Volume - 2nd CD // 3 by user315665007 published on 2015-06-23T19:23:48Z Aisarusugite xx Sarechau CD Vol. 2 (Sweet-violent Superior) - TRACK 3 by Tenkou. 【女性向け】32歳彼女無し大工が箱入り女子大生に出会ったら 大工×箱入りお嬢様 体育会系男子の恋活 大工・早乙女隼人の場合 (CV.茶介. I've been st̶a̶l̶k̶i̶n̶g̶ looking through your blog lately and I really, really. I'm new to the whole male yandere craze and im having fun sinking deeper and deeper:'D I'm looking for more drama cds.cough.specificallyr18.cough. with yandere guys. . SHORT DESCRIPTION (quoted from translation site): “You were raised as a foster daughter by the Mamiya household. Nurtured with care, you grew up to be a kindhearted young lady. After that, ten years has passed since then.
Title : 愛されすぎて××されちゃうCD vol 2 (Aisaresugite xxxsarechau CD)
Sub-title : 『鬼畜上司』(Kichiku Joushi)
Character : 川崎巽 (Kawasaki Tatsumi)
Seiyuu : Hirai Tatsuya a.k.a Hirakawa Daisuke
Released Date : 2013/8/23
Rate : 18+
Track 1 The Office at Night
Original situation CD. Brute Superior.
*talking the phone* Ah, really? Well, that’s a relief. It’s because you have worked hard. You can go home for now. You can submit the report first thing in the morning tomorrow. Good work!
Oh! Thanks for your hard work! You didn’t go home yet? *chuckle* You left your cellphone? *laugh* You’re unexpectedly careless. I’m joking, don’t be angry. Yeah. We won the project, and were just seize the contract. It’s because that person have worked hard.
Ah, me? No, I will go home now. I was just waiting for this call. More important than that. Are you already fine? You had fever before, right? It’s good to work hard, but don’t be too harsh to your body.
I see. Then how about we celebrate the project and go for a drink? I have something to talk about with you too.
*laugh* I knew that. I am your boss, right? Now, let’s go!
Track 2 Conflagration
It’s getting too late. We planned to just celebrating the winning project. Maybe we drank too much? More importantly, this neighborhood is quite dark. Isn’t it dangerous to walk home alone every day? Even though you say it’s fine, you’re undoubtedly a woman. You should be more self-conscious.
*sirene sound*
Hm? What is it? Fire? Eh?? It’s in your home direction? Hurry up!!!
Are you calm down a little? But, it’s really a problem. It’s unbelievable that it was your apartment. That was really shocking, right? But it’s a relief that it happened when you’re not around. Really, when I think if today you went home early, it shivers me. It scared me if something bad happened to you. I’m grateful that you’re ok.
Don’t apologize. You have just experienced something awful, it’s normal if you cry. But, it kills me to see you like this. Hey, don’t force yourself not to cry. Good, good. Don’t hold back yourself in front of me. Now, now. It’s okay. Because I am here beside you.
Today for now, come to my house! It’s rather impossible to come to your friend’s home at this late hour. And hotel too. And, you didn’t have your money, right? I have an extra room too. First, you should rest. You can think about what will you do from now on tomorrow. Now, come on!
And, the bath room is there. This is kitchen. My room is over there. And your room is here. Just think of it as your own, and you’re free to use it as you want. And… you don’t have your change clothes, right? You can use this. But this is all mine. Please endure it. Now, put off your belongings, and change your clothes. I will be in living room.
Here, a hot milk. Drink it and rest assured. Ah… Today a lot of things happened. To make you could sleep, I put a little bit brandy on that milk. Beside that… my clothes are unexpectedly looks good on you. *chuckle* The sleeve and the cuff is too big. *laugh* I don’t mean to tease you, really!
Finally I saw your laugh. Good. Tomorrow you have to run through so many procedures. Are you okay by yourself? I understand. I won’t follow you. But in exchange, you don’t have to worry about work. I will explain your condition and help you out with everyone.
And, I said before it’s just for now, but it’s okay if you stay here until you find a new home. You need new clothing too, I hope you won’t spend your money on something wasteful. You don’t have to worry about us being opposite sex. I won’t make a move on you. So, for such time you should accept this condition.
You right. Until the condition get better, let’s keep this secret from everyone. If we bring up everyone suspicion, it will cause you trouble, right? Eh? Me? I don’t mind it at all. Maybe because I am a man. But you won’t be all right with that, right? Now, let’s end this conversation. You should sleep for now. Hm, good night!
A few days later.
A new home? You have already find it? It’s faster than I thought it would be. Tomorrow you will handle the procedures? I will be lonely. I have already accustomed with you welcoming me back home, eating the delicious food you cook, and you waking me up early in the morning, that kind of everyday activities. Living with you really make me happy.
Hey, I have a proposal. Will you stay with me? I… love you.
Actually, from the time you have just enter the office, you already caught my attention. You always so cheerful, and whatever the jobs you have, you always do it vey hard. At first I wonder if you ever been feeling down. But, when I saw you cry alone in the rooftop, I became knew that you always worked hard desperately. I can’t forget how you cry that time. From then, I grew to always watching over you. Do you pushed yourself? Do you cry by yourself somewhere where no one sees you? When I get close to you, I want to protect you.
This fire incident, I knew that for you is such a sorrowful incident. But for me, it’s a chance. Imprudence, right? But… it’s the truth. I love you… how about you?
Really? *Tatsumi hug you* It’s like a dream, that you also like me, that I hold you in my arms… from now on, we will always, always together. In the office, and at home too.
Eh? You don’t want to stay here with me? Why? Don’t be stupid! You don’t have to feel uneasy with me. Eh? The other employees in sales department have seen us went home together? That’s not a problem right? We also knew each other feelings. Let them do as they please. Or… you are not okay with the rumours spread around? For example like you have another guy you like? Hey- who is it?!?!
*Tatsumi grabbed your arms*
Ah, sorry, is it hurt? Did I grab you too hard? When it comes to you, I lose my composure. It’s because my head filled with only you. I understand, don’t stare at me with that face. By the way, when will you move out from here? I see, it’s right after you finished the procedure. Don’t bring too much belongings, you can move here again whenever you like.
It can’t be help. You have to come and play here sometimes. *chuckle* I know that we meet everyday at the office. *chuckle* To tell you the truth, I want to lock you inside my arms forever.
Eh? For me? You don’t have to give something to thank me. But, I am happy. Can I open it?
*Tatsumi opened the present you gave him*
A necktie. You really know my likings. I will treasure it. More important than that, do you know what does it mean to give a necktie to a guy? “I devote all myself to you. I give all myself to support you.” There’s such meaning like that. *chuckle* Did you really don’t know? Let’s just leave it. But, you can’t give such present to the other guy! Promise me. Thank you. *kiss*
The next day…
Welcome home. Did you complete your room contract? Ah, right. When you already have your room, we have to exchange our key immediately. It’s dangerous if something like yesterday happened again. And, if you want to buy a curtain…
What’s wrong? You have such a depressed face. Your contract have been rejected? By the real estate agent? You get a double-booking? That’s harsh. But, don’t be so down. You can stay here. I asked you before to stay here, right? For me it’s a lucky thing. Ah… Don’t ever think about that. You… you really act too careful in front of me. But, you can’t reject me again.
Yosh! Then it’s decided! Again, from now on, please take care of me. *kiss*
Track 3 Punishment
Thank you. Now, please excuse us.
What we’ll do now? We have ended the job successfully. Should we go eating? In the hotel over there, there’s a delicious dinner restaurant. Should we go there? Don’t be too strained. What are you doing? Come here quickly!
You asking me if I’m angry? So you realized that I was angry? I have never heard that the client before was your classmate. You never said so to me before, right? The fact that you hide it from me, Of course I will assume that there’s something between you two right?
Watch out! Are you okay? *chuckles* It can’t be helped. Give me your hand! Let’s hold hands so you can’t fall again.
But, you can’t say that there’s nothing between you two right? He was so eager to luring you. You still dare to say that there’s nothing between you two? Then, is it a coincidence when you dropped your pen, and then he picked it for you? Hmm… this is a real problem. If you don’t have any self-conscious, I can’t stay put even though we hold hands like this. Then, I’ll make you realize. Who is the one owned you. We can re-arrange our dinner later.
In a certain hotel room.
What a great view! Come and see it from here. Do you like it? That’s good. Then it’s not meaningless to bring you here.
Hey, by the way, you realize that he has a feeling for you, don’t you? Heee… you don’t? Are you just playing dumb? Who owned you? Yes, you’re mine. So you understand that. But, if I didn’t bring you here today, you will not be in this situation, and from now on I will make a chance to us to be alone together.
You don’t reflect on what you did. And you are also not realizing his feelings. I should clearly let him know too, right? Hey, take off your jacket! The bottom too! Hey, do it quickly! You better not make me angry. *laugh* Good girl! Then your underwear too! Of course, all of it! Do you intend to tease me? Arousing a man, is this your ability?
Cruel? Which is the cruel one, I wonder? If you say that you can do it by yourself. *Tatsumi tear the stocking* Even there’s no stocking it would make no difference, right? What should we do? Should I tear your undies too? *chuckle* What an arousing body. Put your hands away!
It’s already wet. *watery SFX* What an embarrassing woman. Since when you become so lewd? Him, did he know that you have such a body? Ah, It’s flowing again. This part is also become excited. Conversing about him make you excited like this, as expected. Eh? Wrong? Then why are you feeling it so much like this?
In order to stopping you hiding a secret from me, in order to stopping you being alone with another guy, until you understand who’s your master, I’ll train you. Ah… what a good expression. Your scared face is turned me on. Don’t cry. Come… yosh, yosh. Are you that scared? Yosh, yosh. So pitiful. *kiss*
But, we can’t stop the punishment, right? It’s not only a lip service, but until you fully understand. *kiss* is it hurt? I’m hurt too. My heart hurt. To do something awful like this to you whom I like. But, it can’t be helped. A pain is crucial for some people to understand such thing, right?
Now, give me your hand. I will bind you for a while so you won’t be over violent, when I do things to you. *chuckle* Mmm… finished. You understand right, who is your master? Yes, you say it right. Then, if you hide something from me in the future, I won’t let you off easily. Don’t make me do something I’ll regret. I love you. How about you? I see. Then, don’t go away from me forever. Can you do it? *bite*
There’s a hickey. I’ll give you a lot of traces of mine. This part too. *bite* You don’t have to endure your voice. If you feel that you can’t handle it anymore, you can cry as much as you want. *chuckle*
A few hours later…
Have you gain your conscious? *kiss* Because you suddenly passed out, it shocked me. The punishment also stopped halfway. Don’t be too scared! Now you can fully understand it, right? I see. I can believe your words, right? Now, I should stop it, right? *kiss* It’s the first time since we start to date, fighting like this, right? But, now I can feel that finally you’re already mine. Don’t you feel the same?
*laugh* Ah, right. There’s something I have to tell you. You know the thing I hate the most right? /try to guess it! You don’t know? You give up? The right answer is, I hate being betrayed the most! Remember it! *chuckle*
What’s wrong with that face? It’s all right as long as you keep your promise. It’s easy right? Up until know, I can’t believe in people from my heart. But it difference with you. I believe and want to believe in you. So, don’t betrayed me. *kiss*
Ah… your wrist, there’s a mark in it. Because you were so violent, it left marks. *kiss* Moreover your voice, it becomes awful. You were cry so much back then. But, I don’t hate your husky voice. Because I am the one who make you like that, it makes me glad. *kiss*
Tonight I’ll love you more. I’ll make you cry more. *kiss*
Track 4 Brute
*Vibrating sound*
Hello? Are you still at the office? I’m waiting for you to have lunch together. Do you still have to be there for a while? It’s an over-time in your holiday, so I thought it is just for a while… *chuckle* Fine, fine. Then, do you want me to come and help you? You don’t have to reject my help that much. Is there someone with you? I see. Then, I’m sorry to disturb you. Thanks for your hard work!
Don’t be so surprised. I’m tired of waiting so I come here. Let’s finish your work and go for a drive. I’ll help with your work. You haven’t eaten your lunch right? I bought your favorite BLT sandwich (1) and a cup of coffee. You should eat them first. Meanwhile, I’ll do your work.
But, this department sure is so busy. Being in charge of newbie employee, I envy you. Works sure is hard right? It’s good then. Hey, I have wondering from a long time, that brat, does he has a feeling for you? Even you said he just randomly following you all around, both of you not wholly together all the time, right? I see. He’s not your type? Then it’s okay. But you should act more careful. If he misunderstands things will become complicated, right?
Posted… Ah… finished… how is it, I am faster than you finished your eating, right? *vibrating sound* Hm? Your phone is vibrating. An Email? You can just eating. I’ll see the mail.
-Today thanks for your hardwork. I’m sorry to leave first. Have you finished the work?-
Hm? What does it mean? Were you not here alone? Really? If that so, than you should report it to me, right? Hee… So he came? But, why didn’t he refuse? Even though today is a holiday. A newbie doesn’t have to do this kind of work right? Why does he especially come?
He came to help you, right? But why does he know your email address? Did you tell him? Seems like you think of so many excuse to let him know it. You promised me, right? That you won’t do anything that makes me misunderstand you, that you won’t be alone with another guy!! But in the end you still hides those facts!
You don’t want to make me worried? Thanks for being that considerate to me. But it won’t change the fact that you broke your promise. It seems that you still didn’t fully understand with what I told you before. Ah, or is it because you want to be punished, then you intentionally drive me angry? Then, I’ll fulfill your expectation. Wrong? So it’s true that you lack of discipline? Then… I’ll tell you properly. Follow me! You make a scared face. You reap what you sow, right? Now, come!
Tatsumi bring you to a certain meeying room.
If in the end you will cry and apologize, you should not betrayed me in the first hand. In this meeting room, there’s no security camera, you can relax. Now, what kind of punishment good for you? What will you do so I can forgive you? ‘Forgive me. I love you.’? Then give me the proof! Right, show me something that I am the only one who know it.
You asked what it is? The place where you too know, show it to me. Of course in this room. You want me to forgive you, right? Hey, sit here! And then, take off your underwear. After that, open your skirt! Then put one of your leg on this armrest!
What a great view! You can do the rest, right? Do it like what you usually do by yourself! *smirk* Liar! There’s some time you touch your own body, right? If you could cry until I satisfied, I’ll do the usual things I’ve done to you.
What… you unexpectedly quite skilled! Eh… so you like that part? You’re quite pleasing to see. You can’t cry! Until I satisfied, you have to continue doing that! But still in this kind of condition, it keeps flowing out. Doing it in the meeting room arousing you?
Hey, use your fingers more! Let me hear your indecent voice! Do it properly till the end! Are you afraid that someone might come here? If you want to finish it quickly, if you don’t work it harder, it won’t be finished soon.
The usual you who are very serious, but unexpectedly you can do such thing in this meeting room, you’re such an outrageous woman. Your appearance now, if he sees you what would he think about you? If he knew that the senior he admire is actually such a lewd woman…
Right. How about we take a picture and send it to him? OI! You dropped your hand! Who tell you you can take a break of it? *laugh* It’s okay. I’m joking after all. It’s a waste, I can’t show it to the other guy. Are you relieved? Than you can concentrate to do it right? *laugh*
Good work! *kiss* As a prize to your good work, I’ll tell you something interesting. Today, the one who told him to help you… is me. Right. I did it to test you. But, I who believe in you, is easily betrayed. Even though I told you that I only believe in you. But you’re not understand it at all. It’s the same with our client before. I knew long ago that he was your classmate. I was waiting for you to tell me that he is your acquaintance. *chuckle* Surprised? *laugh*
Don’t be too afraid. I know! That you know what I like. If not, you can’t do such things here. You were just not realizing it. If you have reflect on your mistake, next you will please me, right? With that body of yours.
Track 5 Body Training
You want to get out from here? What is it suddenly? *Tatsumi drink his tea* Is it because what happened yesterday? I told you that I have forgiven you, right? So, don’t mention it anymore. I am quite tolerance.
You… are you misunderstand something? The one who become traitor is you, right? What is it that you can’t forgive? Calm down!
Did I too harsh to you yesterday? Are you that scared of me? But, you’re not just afraid right? You were also enjoyed it that much. Hey, don’t cry anymore. *lick* Here, drink this tea and relax.
I told you before right? You just have to keep your promise to me. Then, you won’t experience something like that. Even I want to cherish and be gentle to you. Don’t make me angry. Right? Can you do it? So, don’t ever say that you want to get out of here anymore. I have no intention to let go of you. Do you understand? Ah, I have something to you. Come here!
Hey, come here! In to my room. Sit down in this chair. Look at this. It’s taken quite good right? Ah… you can’t drop it. it’s an important photo album. As a reminder, I took photos when you sleep and lost conscious. This is when we first had sex, and this one when we went to hotel before. This one is from yesterday.
Ah… don’t be panic. I’ll leave the album here. Now, you can see it whenever you want right? Ah, I have the data so it’s fine with me. Don’t worry, I won’t show it to another guy. It’s a waste right? It’s just a countermeasure if you want to get out or break up with me. *chuckle* I’m not trying to blackmail you. It’s just because you sometimes not listen to me. What’s wrong? Hm? Your eyes are dim. Oi!
You finally awake? Here? It’s our bedroom. Above the bed where you countlessly shake your hip, where you usually cling on me. Ah… that? It’s the necktie you gave to me. It’s good for blindfold right? I treasure it so much. You don’t have any respect to people. When you were panic, I just gave a sleeping pill into your tea.
If you get violent, your wrist will be hurt. That handcuffs was quite solidly made. What?i’ll remove it whenever you don’t have any thoughts to get out of here anymore. You don’t understanding anything about me. You don’t understand how much I love you. When you first live here, and when you say that you love me, but you will get out of this place, I go around all real estate agent so you can’t get new home.
That’s right. It’s all I done. But, you betrayed me again and again. And after that you said that you want to leave me, you want to run away from me? Even though it’s impossible. You don’t seem to understand it. So, I’ll train you until you feel you can’t live without me. Until you can avert your eyes on me, until you can’t think of anyone beside me.
Ah, you don’t have to go to the office anymore. I will write your resignation letter, and I also will accept it. it’s unfortunate to lose a capable subordinate, but, it’s more important to protect you as a lover. So, you won’t get any dirty look from the other guy, they also can’t touch you with their dirty hands. You just have to be here and be loved by only me.
You still say something like that? Fine. We have all times in world. *kiss* It’s the first time you were blindfolded right? You became sensitive. You already wet. *laugh* The pleasure I gave you, into your honest body, I’ll train it for good. *kiss*
Feel it more! Cry more! I’ll teach you the things I can’t do up until know. Until you feel that you can’t live without me. *kiss*
Track 8 Become My Preference
I’m home. Were you be a good girl too today? Where’s the come back kiss? *kiss* What’s wrong? You’re shaking. Are you not feeling good? *chuckle* Ah… sorry. I was in a hurry in the morning, so I can’t make time to go into you. But you are good not to let it out by yourself. Finally you can obey to what I said.
How long can you stay like this? Should we test it? Until I say it’s okay, we’ll keep stay like this. *laugh*
Are you happy? Your body become into my likings. You’re really cute. It’s okay. I will always beside you. *kiss*
Translator’s note:
- BLT Sandwich = Bacon, Lettuce Tuna Sandwich. You can read about it more here
A list of Drama CD’s I have listened to ^.^ not sure if this is all of them though – sorry! >n< I will update this as I go along~ if you have any questions about any of the CD’s that don’t have translations and you can’t understand well whats going on, feel free to ask me ^.^
To see what i’m currently listening to, see the banner/s on the side of my blog~
Same as my Husbandos page – CD’s in bold are favourites and recommended by me ~
Drama CD’s I have listened to :
– Diabolik Lovers – All of the original Sakamaki brothers, and all of the original Sakamaki brothers MORE BLOOD series :3
– Ouritsu Ouji Gakuen – Snow White / Beauty and the Beast
– Pero Pero Danshi Sweet Valentines Day / Bitter White Day
– LOVE x EXERCISE vol. 1
– Futari de Issho ni Suriizu Issho ni Daietto – Bath / Walking / Jogging
– Ai no Kotoba – Terashima Takuma
– Kindan Kyuuketsuki
– Shinsengumi Mokuhiroku Wasurenagusa
– Shukan Soine

– Yandere Heaven vol 1 / vol 2
– Osanamiji no Kare Vol. 1
– Amemakura / Vol 6
– Anata ga Ofuro de Noboseru / Vol. 7
– Shitsuji no Kare ~Shiro Route~ / ~ Kuro Route
– Aisaresugite xx Sarechau CD Vol 1 / Vol 2
– Jewelic Nightmare Vol. 1
– I Love Pet / Korat / Golden Retriever
– Do-M Club Vol. 1
– Inma [R18]
– Higashiura-ke no Kyuujitsu vol.1 Ani & Oto Hen
– Type M HumANdroid
– Type H HumANdroid
– Kare Pillow ( R18 )

– Hitorijime series
– All of Kiss x Kiss
– Sweets Blossom ( R18 )
Aisaresugite Sarechau Translation Subtitles
– Inma ( R18 )
– Kyokugen Kareshi ~Chikyuu ga Nakunaru 30pun Mae~
– Dousei Kareshi Butterfly Lip

– Nade Nade ( Vol 1 + 2 )

– Bath Time Lovers Vol 1
– Danna Catalogue
– Moe Koi
Aisaresugite ×× Sarechau Translation
– Akogare no Omiseya San
– Mousou Pet Series
– Kyuketsuku Darling
– Kareshi Igai ( R18 )
– Toubousha
– Voice Suppli (I have the app too!)
– Yanero ( R18 )
Waiting List : (Meaning I haven’t downloaded them yet, but will do so soon)
– Heart Supplement Series
– Bad Medicine
Aisaresugite Sarechau Translation Latin
– Tsujisaki Gakuen Seitokai no Himitsu