. can be compiled to very efficient code. In addition, you will probably find C useful in Comp 262 and Comp 362. In Chapter 6 we will see how to translate if and while statements, functions/subroutines and data structures from C to Pep/8. C C is a powerful language but it can be cryptic. There is even a book of C “puzzles” where. Convert the following assembly language instructions into hexadecimal machine language object code suitable for running on PEP/8. (a) ASLA (c) BRNE 0x01E6,i. Convert the following assembly language instructions into hexadecimal machine language object code suitable for PEP/8: (a) ADDA 0x01FE,i (b) STRO 0x000D,sf.
Pep 8 Coding Style
1. What is pep8?
- PEP 8 official document – Style Guide for Python Code
- Chinese Translation of PEP8
Configuration of pep8 in Pycharm
Itself ispep8
Style detection, when you knock code does not conform to the specification, there will be underlined wavy line prompt. How do you change the code to conform to the specifications and remove these ugly wavy lines? The following steps are described:
2.1 Installation of autopep8
CMD window input:pip install autopep8
2.2 Install autopep8 configuration in Pycharm
- Tools Extends Tools Click on the plus sign
Pep 8 Download
- Configuration item
- Use of autopep8 in pycharm: edit a new Python file in Pycharm, edit some code that does not conform to the style of pep8; place the mouse in the editor of the file right key External Tools click Autopep8. So your code is pep8 style. As shown in the following figure
Pep 8 Machine Codes
Reference resources
- [Introduction to Machine Learning-2] Pycharm Installation of Autopep8